← courses

The following is a list of college courses I have taken at University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Codepath.


  • Math 233: Calculus I-III
  • Math 235: Intro Linear Algebra
  • Math 331: Ordinal Differential Equations
  • Public Health 390R: Data Science Using R
  • Math 397C: Mathematical Computing
  • Math 456: Math Modeling
  • Math 535: Statistical Computing
  • Math 545: Linear Algebra Applied Math

Computer Science

  • CS 198C: Intro to C Programming
  • CS 220: Programming Methodology
  • CS 230: Computer Systems Principles
  • CS 240: Reasoning Under Uncertainty
  • CS 250: Introduction to Computation
  • CICS 298A: Leadership Practicum
  • CICS 305: Social Issues in Computing
  • CS 311: Introduction to Algortithms
  • CS 326: Web Programming
  • CS 345: Practical and Application of Data Managemnet
  • CS 360: Intro Computer Network Security
  • CS 377: Operating Systems
  • CS 396: Independent Study (Advanced Web Programming)
  • CS 453: Computer Networks
  • CS 490STA: Scalable Web Systems
  • CS 496W: Web Systems Dev: Real-World
  • CS 520: Theory and Practice/Software Engineering
  • CS 589: Machine Learning

Codepath Coursework

  • iOS 101: iOS Programming with Storyboard
  • Tip 103: Technical Interview Prep
  • Web 102: Web Programming in React