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02/2022 - 03/2022

Tech Stack:

GitHub:   algebra2boy/Clue

Description: A room escape game implemented in C and pointers


Step into a thrilling text adventure game, clue, set on a 3 x 3 gameboard. Use your wits and deductive abilities to uncover the secrets behind a mysterious murder. Rumors suggest that Anan has been murdered, with Jeff suspecting that Matt may have strangled Anan with a rope in the study room. Navigate through rooms, investigate weapons, and interact with characters: Anan, Jeff, Matt, Eric, and Adam, to unveil the truth.

Implementation Overview

  • Gameboard Configuration:

    • Created using a 2D array with malloc, making each room a pointer.
    • Each room is a pointer containing:
      • Pointers to adjacent rooms (North, South, East, West).
      • Name of the NPC.
      • LinkedList storing items in the room (at the start, each room contains at most one item).
      • 4 pointers per room, 36 pointers in total.
    • LinkedList for items is implemented with pointers; the next item in the list is another item pointer.
    • The avatar's information, including its location and inventory, is stored in a struct called Avatar.
  • Memory Management:

    • After the program concludes, memory allocated for the board, avatar's current room, inventory, and name are deallocated.
    • Memory of nodes removed from a LinkedList is also deallocated.
    • Includes edge-case handling for invalid user inputs.
  • Requirements Satisfied:

    1. Game has 9 rooms, including the starting room, connected via pointers.
    2. Rooms are randomly initialized on the game board at the start.
    3. Game features at least 6 items and 5 characters apart from the player's avatar.
    4. A room, an item, and a character are randomly chosen as the game's answer.
    5. Each room has a LinkedList of items.
    6. The avatar has an inventory.
    7. Command table (all commands are in adventure.c within the main function):
      • help, list, look, go, take, drop, inventory, clue (with sub-actions detailed under clue).


To compile and run the program:

gcc adventure.c room.c -o myProgram

User Input Guide

  • Input commands are case-sensitive.
  • Use scanf("%s %s", first, second) for reading two-word commands.
  • For commands with a single word, append a "~": e.g., help ~ or look ~.
  • For directional commands: go north, go south, etc. (Don't use room names like go Bathroom).
  • For item commands: use the item name, e.g., take bible. Valid items: axe, poison, knife, gun, bible, rope.
  • For clues: use the character name, e.g., clue Adam. Valid characters: Anan, Jeff, Matt, Eric, Adam.