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04/2024 - 04/2024

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Description: How to deploy node.js express dockerized app on Azure

Instructions of how to push a docker image to Docker Hub to your Docker account

Have docker daemon running before doing any of below

  1. Build an docker image locally:
docker image build -t <dockerhub username>/<image-name> .
example: docker image build -t yongye0997/docker_python .
  1. Run the container using the docker image create above to test if image works
docker container run --name <container name> -p <local port:container port> <image name>
example: docker container run --name fastapi_testing -p 8000:8000 yongye0997/docker_python
  1. Push the image to docker hub
docker push <docker username>/<image name>
docker push yongye0997/docker_python

Instructions of how to deploy a dockerized application on Azure

  • Create an Azure account and use the Azure for Students subscription
  • Install Azure CLI from this link
  • Login to to your Azure account using az login, this will redirect to login page

Step 1: Create a Resource Group

  • A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution.
az group create --name <name of resource group> --location <name of location>
example: az group create --name api-resource-group --location eastus

Step 3: Verify that you created a resource group successfully by typing az group list or az group list --output table

Step 4: Create a Container Registry (ACR)

  • ACR is where you'll store your Docker images on Azure platform.
az acr create --resource-group <name of resource group> --name <name of container registry> --sku Basic --admin-enabled true
example: az acr create --resource-group api-resource-group --name yongyeapiacr --sku Basic --admin-enabled true 
  • Use the Basic plans and enable admin access
  • admin access must be enabled in order to push docker images to ACR
    • If activated, you can use the registry name as username and admin user access key as password to docker login to your container registry.

Step5: Push Docker Image to DockerHub or ACR

  • First, authenticate Docker to your container registry, az acr login --name yongyeapiacr
  • Second, create a docker image with a tag (optional), default is latest
  • Third, (optional), if you are on M1 chip, you will have to add an additional flag to the following docker build, --platform=linux/amd64
docker build -t <image name>:<tag> .
example: docker build -t express-demo:latest .
M1 chip example: docker image build --platform=linux/amd64 -t express-demo:latest .
  • Third: Tag your local Docker image with the ACR login server name.
    • This creates a duplication of the original docker image but with the name
docker tag <image name in step 2> <name of ACR>.azurecr.io/<image name in step 2>
example: docker tag express-demo:latest yongyeapiacr.azurecr.io/express-demo:latest 
  • Fourth, push the docker image to DockerHub and ACR
docker push yongye0997/express-demo
docker push yongyeapiacr.azurecr.io/express-demo
  • Fifth, check your docker image on Azure Container Registry, you should see a new image called express-demo

Step6: Create a Container App Environment

  • Before creating a container app, we need a container app environment for the container
az containerapp env create --name <name of container app environment> --resource-group <name of resource gorup we created in step 1> --location eastus
example: az containerapp env create --name expressDemoAppEnv --resource-group api-resource-group --location eastus

Step7: Create a container App (Be very careful with this step since it involves with lots of flags)

  • This is where we create our container app and deploy the image from ACR or DockerHub
  • If you using GUI, navigate to your container app > Settings > Ingress after deployment
    • Have to enable ingress to receive traffic
    • Have to enable accepting traffic from anywhere for Ingress traffic
    • target port must be 8080 for this express app
  • Must use the same name for the resource group and container enviornment from previous steps
az containerapp create
    --name <name of container app>
    --resource-group <name of resource group>
    --environment <name of container environment>
    --image <name of image from the ACR or docker hub>
    --target-port <port number>
    --ingress external 

Pulling image from Docker Hub example: 
az containerapp create 
    --name yongye-express-api-demo-app 
    --resource-group api-resource-group 
    --environment expressDemoAppEnv 
    --image yongye0997s/express-demo:latest 
    --target-port 8080 
    --ingress external

Pulling image from ACR example:
# need to manually specify registry-server, registry-username, or registry-password if authentication is required, link: https://github.com/microsoft/azure-container-apps/issues/863#issuecomment-1669564470
az containerapp create 
    --name yongye-express-api-demo-app 
    --resource-group api-resource-group 
    --environment expressDemoAppEnv 
    --image yongyeapiacr.azurecr.io/express-demo:latest 
    --registry-server yongyeapiacr.azurecr.io
    --registry-username yongyeapiacr
    --registry-password <your password>
    --target-port 8080 
    --ingress external

Step8: You should receive an application url on Terminal or Azure container app website. My application link is: https://yongye-express-api-demo-app.yellowdune-bb83b275.eastus.azurecontainerapps.io/hello

Step 9: Thank you!

Important Commands

# build the image
docker image build -t <image name> .

# use the image to run container 
docker container run --name <container name> -p <local port: container port> -d <image name>