ā† Projects


10/2022 - 11/2022

Tech Stack:


Description: An iOS app to help users to study in a productive and fun way


App Description (Lab 1)

User can flip the card to learn more about the answer to the question.

App Walk-through


  • Create New Project in Xcode
  • Add a view for the front side of the flashcard to display the question
  • Add a view for the back side of the flashcard to display the answer
  • Build in logic to show the answer side when the card is tapped
  • Push code to GitHub


  • Toggle the flashcard between the question side and the answer side
  • Style the question and answer side of the card to better distinguish between the two sides
  • Add selectable multiple choice answers beneath the card

Lab 2

App Description

User can customize their question and answers for the flashcard. The app creates multiple screens.

App Walk-though


  • User can open the creation screen
  • User can cancel out of the creation screen
  • User can enter a new question and answer in the creation screen to then show it on the flashcard
  • Push code to GitHub


  • User gets an error if they try to create a new flashcard with no question or answer
  • User can edit existing flashcard
  • User can add multiple choice answers in the creation screen

Lab 3

App Description

Uer can go back and forth for the new flashcards they created and delete their flashcards. Previous flashcards are saved on the disk.

App Walk-though


  • User can browse through multiple flashcards
  • User can re-open the app and see previously created flashcards
  • Push code to GitHub


  • User can delete a flashcard
  • User can edit existing flashcard
  • User can store multiple choice questions

šŸ“ NOTE Paste this template at the top of your existing README.md file from the last lab.

Lab 4

App Description

Flashcard now can now have autosize feature and fancy animation.

App Walk-though


  • User should see the app icon
  • User should see a splash screen
  • User should see an flip animation when revealing the answer
  • User should see a slide animation when going to the next flashcard
  • User should see a slide animation when going to the previous flashcard
  • Push code to GitHub


  • User should see a nicer flaschard with rounded corners, shadows, and animating when showing the first time
  • User should see all views properly layout when using the app on a phone of different sizes
  • [] Correct answer in multiple choice should be random