← Projects


02/2023 - 03/2023

Tech Stack:


Description: My Codepath Web 102 prework

WEB102 Prework - HelpFunding

HelpFunding is a website for the company Sea Monster Crowdfunding that displays information about the games they have funded.

Time spent: 3-4 hours spent in total

Required Features

The following required functionality is completed:

  • The introduction section explains the background of the company and how many games remain unfunded.
  • The Stats section includes information about the total contributions and dollars raised as well as the top two most funded games.
  • The Our Games section initially displays all games funded by Sea Monster Crowdfunding
  • The Our Games section has three buttons that allow the user to display only unfunded games, only funded games, or all games.

The following optional features are implemented:

  • List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
    • Add scrolling behavior to the game section
    • Change button color when button is hovered
    • Modify the CSS to make it visually appealing

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented features:


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.

Using reduce, spread operation were a bit unintutive for me - I had to think about and experiment a few times to make it work. It took me some time to review and refresh my knowledge on flexbox.